55% of the homeless in the LA region alone, have grossly decayed and missing teeth


Why Hygiene?


As less fortunate and homeless across the world lack the resources in order to buy hygienic goods, their health in turn decreases. With more than a half of the homeless in LA unable to obtain toiletries, there is no possible way for them keep a sustainable health.


How Can You Help?

Living in the South Bay of Los Angeles, we are privileged to be surrounded by a community of people who care about the homelessness crisis and have the means to give back. Our mission is to tap into the generous nature of our community and ask for the leftover or additional toiletry items that have been taking up space. We all have extra tubes of toothpaste, an additional toothbrush or a spare bar of soap. Instead of having it take up space, we’d like to gather up the excess and deliver it to those who truly need it more. We will do the work of identifying the locations and groups that have the biggest needs, while also hand delivering the goods on your behalf.


How it works?

Of the 553,000 homeless in the USA, 9 percent live in Los Angeles. That 9 percent comes out to roughly 60,000 people. These homeless are either on the streets of LA or if lucky in one of the 54 shelters scattered across the southland. We intend to hand deliver the donations to the shelters once we have gathered a significant amount of toiletries. Based on a consistent supply of donations we plan on delivering goods on weekly basis.


“With historic levels of homelessness, staying clean is part of a daily struggle for thousands”

Aljazeera America  |  January 13, 2015


Growth of homeless population in LA


2015 - 2019


With the continuing growth of the homeless population comes an increasing amount of people without good hygiene. Our focus should be shifting to keeping the hygienic standards of the homeless as it is the foundation of good health.



Ready to help?

